Faszinierend Schaltplan Puch Maxi Ebenbild. It is a black/gold maxi with decals styled after puch's. Was only available in 1976. The puch maxi comes in several models:
Puch maxi plus de maxi met vooruitstrevende technologie.
Puch maxi in der rubrik motorradmarkt. Check out all puch maxi for sale at the best prices, with the cheapest ad starting from £1,995. Puch maxi er folkeeje og har en plads i hjertet hos de fleste knallertentusiaster. Se alle vores reservedele her! That was probably his last custom moped and by respect to him i won't make any modification. De uitlaat is ook verhuist naar de andere kant van de brommer. Also see for puch maxi. Stænklap sæt, blød, maxi forskærm varenr. You're likely dealing with a 35+ year old machine in bad shape. Das puch maxi ist ein mofa, das von steyr daimler puch und später von piaggio hergestellt wurde.